Just the two of us, but it's all good!

Sunday, February 22, 2009


Okay, I just have to say... I have only read my sister's blog and my friend Rachelle's blog so maybe i'm being unconventional or sharing too much... I don't know but can I just tell you I love dreams. Most of the time. Of course, occasionally I'll have a real night mare that I wake up and just lay in bed in utter horror for a couple of hours but usually my dreams are quite fun and entertaining and I wish... I wish I had had the forsight or energy or rather ambition to write some of them down before now. Last night I had the craziest dream. It was about balloons. And I don't have like a photgraphic memory and I can't remember all the details but I just know that there was this guy that gave me some balloons and the strings on the balloons were really really short and I was very afraid of loosing them so I tied the strings all together so that the balloons were in one great big bunch and then I lost them anyway. And then the rest of the dream was like a quest and I was trying to find more balloons. I remember offering a trade with someone (I can't remember who) and that I was looking for bubble gum. because bubble gum has so much to do with balloons.

I am currently taking a play writing class. There was a time that I wrote for several hours each and every day. And I had grand aspirations to be a writer and make a million dollars and be the next 'J.K. Rowlings' or whatever. But I don't write so much anymore. I need someone to bounce my ideas off of and that's one of the main reasons I miss Jenny because she always fullfilled that need for me. Anyhow... I only bring this up because I was thinking about what a great story following a balloon would be. Where would it end up? what would it see? It just got my imagination going.
I remember in elementary school we all got together and we wrote a note and tied it to the end of a balloon and then we all gathered in the playground. There were hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of balloons and excited little kids and it was excitement and chaos and wonder and we all counted to three and then we let our little balloon go.
It made me wonder last night after my dream, what had happened to my balloon. Who found my note? What did my note say? Did anybody actually find it or was my balloon a lost soul that got stuck in a tree or went down in the middle of the great salt lake? What if it was possible that the balloon actually made it to space somehow? oh the possibilities.
I bring up my play writing class because one of the things the instructer, Clarence, talked about was getting ideas for plays or stories and I think this could be a fun idea. I may be talking about story ideas a lot on my blog. I will also be sharing... for the first time in my life and to people other than my friend Jenny, and my parents some of my writings and poems and... anyhow... enough on that. Thanks for Listening.


mountainlaurel said...

Most of the blogs I've read were all about what wonderful homeakers they are. That's so not you. I think your on the right track here. I love your dream. It makes as much sense as mine do.