Just the two of us, but it's all good!

Sunday, February 22, 2009


I am still sick and i'm sick of being sick. I've had a cold now since Tuesday and I just can't seem to kick it. urg. At any rate it made for a very uneventful and quite boring weekend. With two exceptions. Every Friday my Parents, my aunts and uncles and my Brother Devin congragate at either Chuck-a-Rama or Golden Corral. Part of me, admittedly is embarrassed by this weekly family tradition. I mean, really... whose family honestly gets together and eats as this huge family unit each week... hello! Nobodies... but then I think... whose family gets together as this huge family unit and eats each week... ours! I love it. I love hearing the stories and talking to my aunts and uncles and my parents and I actually think it is an awsome and amazing thing. It's great and embarrassing all at the same time. So on Friday we met my Aunt Arlene and my Uncle Rod at Chuck-a-rama. Then I went home and spent the rest of the night tearing my house apart looking for my 2007 taxes so that i could file my 2008 taxes. Talk about exciting. I know. You're all just jealous. Being one of the totally disorganized makes life an adventure. Saturday I slept all day long except for... my family met at the local arby's. Again, this is my entire family. My Mom, My Dad, Brandon, Laura, Devin, Shantell, Corbin, Logan. my Aunt Joan and Me... we were, unfortunately missing my sister's husband, Don because he had to work. But we had Kylie too so it was quite a crew. Then, like I said, I went home and slept. Really, there are times when my life is far more exciting. I just need to get over this crud.

I was telling my brother, Devin, about my blog because this is all new to me and I was quite proud of myself for figuring the darn thing out and he was like "i don't know what the big deal is with Blogs." and I was thinking about it. I don't know what the big deal with blogs is either, really... except I love reading Rachelle's Blog and being kept up to date with her family and I love reading my sister's blog and seeing pictures of my nephews and learning what they are up to and how they're progressing and being able to see glimpses of my friends and family to understand how they think and feel.

I will not claim that I have the most adventurous or exciting life....yet... I don't have a family of my own but I have plenty of family and even though I tend to claim I don't have any friends... that's part of the 'woe is me' thing I go though... I really do have quite a few friends and they're amazing and wonderful people. I'm in the process of trying to improve myself and do some exciting things. I'm trying not to get caught up in 'me' to much. I'll work on it and I think expressing my feelings and sharing my thoughts will help me.


Rachelle said...

I had no idea you really were reading my blog. How dare you do so and not leave a comment to let me know you were there...;0) I think it is great that you are blogging. It is a wonderful way to keep a journal and I for one will be very excited to read about your dreams and your ideas for plays, and stuff. I am amazed how fast time is going by and my blog has helped me remember the things I would have forgotten had I not typed them in...did you know you can publish your blog in to a book? It's true!

mountainlaurel said...

I would claim your family as my own any day. Um actually we do. We joined a Tue outing to Wendy's once. So fun.